Fight the Ocean


How to play

As climate change worsens not only will ocean levels rise, but the risk of destructive weather events, such as hurricanes, will increase.

In this game, the goal is to prepare for an ever increasing ocean threat and prevent the destruction of the houses 🏠 in the map. You win by reaching the year 2100 with both houses intact.


To protect your houses from the ocean you can build infrastructure to better withstand an "attack" from the ocean. If you have money in your account 🪙, you can click on any ground square to strengthen your infrastructure. It costs one coin 🪙 to make any one improvement:

beach 🏖️ → tree 🌳 → wall 🧱 → crane 🏗️

Whenever a ground square gets attacked by an adjacent ocean square the ground infrastructure worsens. Importantly whenever a 🏖️ gets hit by the ocean that square turns into ocean 🌊. The downgrade in infrastructure follows the improvment sequence in reverse order:

🧱 → 🌳 → 🏖️ → 🌊

With the exception of the crane, which immediately turns into beach when attacked:

🏗️→ 🏖️


🏖️ and 🏗️ squares have special properties.

For every two 🏖️ you get one coin at the beginning of the season, but be careful! Beaches can easily turn into ocean!

If you want to reclaim terrain from the sea you can construct a crane in a square adjacent to the ocean. At the begginning of each season there is a 33% chance that a ocean square adjacent to a crane is turned into a beach. But be careful! Each crane is costly to construct and a single ocean attack turnst it into a 🏖️.

If a 🏗️ is no longer useful because all adjacent squares are solid ground, you can sell it for one coin by right-clicking on it.


Every season, the ocean will attack the coast. You can trigger a new season by clicking the button New Season An ocean square can attack any adjacent coast square. But the strength of the attack changes from year to year. Also, there are normal years and hurricane years.

In a normal year, there are from 0 (if you're lucky) to 6 random ocean squares that will attack the coast. It is possible for the same coast square to be attacked by the ocean on multiple directions.

In a hurricane year all ocean squares adjacent to the land will attack the land. Each decade the probability that a year is a hurricane year increases. In the 2020s the probability is 14%. By the 2090s the probability is 19%.